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Ship Onload

On a below freezing day our 2014 Haiti group mustered in Mass Maritime's Harrington Building for the first time since break. We anticipated the arrival of supplies from several Non Govermental Agencies and freinds from trips before. We had coordinated these supplies months in advance were now going to finally see what we would be bringing to the island.

As the gear started to show up at the pier of the USTS Kennedy, which was the vessel transporting our supplies, we learned that the crane that we were going to use was currently non operational. Our ship liason and Mass Maritime Emergency Managment Operations Officer 1st Class Robert Krupa was able to help us out. He recruited a large amount of freshmen to create an assembly line from the gangway to the hold we were keeping the supplies.

After the gear was in place in the hold our job was only half done. Our next step was to inspect, inventory, palatize, wrap, and place our cargo in the ship. At first it looked as though we would not be able to get it done in one day, but we were wrong. With the hard work of the group and the help from cadets on board we were able to get done after a long days work.

A big thank you to everyone who helped with the overall succsess of getting our cargo ready for its trip to Haiti!

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